Java job's roadmap


2 min read

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Java - learning fundamentals of Java ( basics, loops, exception handling , function , collection framework) .

Then go to advanced Java --(-Servlet , JSP , JDBC , Hibernate Framework ) .

Then go to use build tools -- (Maven ,Ant , Gradle).

Then complete one project into JDBC ( Create read updated delete ) simply say to you curdApi .

The go to web framework - are two types first one spring framework and second one spring boot . When you are go to spring framework --( Spring Data Jpa , JDBC ,ORM , AOP ,Core ) and second one go to spring boot it is one annotations use work and you learnt on web and youtube free lecture attained .

Then you learn logging framework they are two type --( Log4J, SLF 4J)

And the last one Testing it is very useful for developers and you write some test file your core project thes are 3 type but 2 are most important and another one is just like your class 10 marks ๐Ÿ˜ only need check your dob .

1- unit testing they are 2 type - Junit and TestNG )

2- Integration Testing they are 2 type - (Rest Assured and Jmeter)

And 3 last one Testing - Mocking Framework - these are 3 type --( Mockito, EasyMock , WireMock)

Thanks you ๐Ÿ˜Š

Complete roads map Java developer ..
